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Problem with sleep?

Certain factors of your diet can impact your sleep in several ways. For optimum sleep, eliminate the things that inhibit a good night’s sleep and focus on those that relax and balance your body and mind. Avoid: - Stimulants like caffeine, especially after noon as it takes upwards of 4 hours to clear your system. - Alcohol before bedtime. Although alcohol is a depressant and can make you feel sleepy, it often disrupts your natural sleep cycles and you may find yourself waking up frequently. - Spicy and overly heavy foods, which can make you too uncomfortable to sleep and cause indigestion. Include: - Chamomile tea, which has proven sleep-enhancing effects. - Foods high in tryptophan, which can relax you and encourage higher serotonin levels. Foods that contain tryptophan include turkey, salmon, pineapple, tofu, many nuts and seeds, and eggs. - Some research suggests foods high in carbohydrates, like potatoes or rice, with foods containing tryptophan has a positive influence on sleep. - Certain supplements can be beneficial for improving sleep, but be sure to work with a healthcare practitioner to determine what’s right for you. Some supplements used to help sleep include magnesium, which helps regulate the neurotransmitters linked to sleep, and melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate your circadian rhythm. Herbal supplements include valerian and passion flower, which both have sedative effects. Stay tuned to learn more in my next post. #sleep #sleepbetter #sleepproblems #herbs #herbaltea #supplements #smartfood #smartfoodchoices #betterhealth #freeconsultation

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